Feb 26, 2006


I just want someone nice, someone I can trust and rely on.
Someone who won't lie to me.
Someone who'll be honest with me and won't assume I'm stupid.
Someone for whom talking to me is the best part of the day.
Someone talking to whom is the best part of my day.
Someone who can understand that being in a loving, respectful, sincere relationship can actually set you free, giving you immense freedom rather than tying you down and limiting your options.
Someone who can see through my quirks and perks and like me as I am, even if I am weird.
Someone who understands me even when I'm tired and my English isn't perfect.
Someone who can see through my eyes and understand what I am unable to put into words. Someone who wants to be loved as he's never been loved before.
Someone who is willing to receive support as much as he's willing to give support.
Someone whose hand I'll proudly hold, anytime, on any given day.
Someone by whose side I'll proudly stand, anytime, on any given day.
Someone in whose arms I want to fall asleep night after night, and next to whom I want to wake up day after day.
Someone to whom I can give all of this immense love, affection, support, respect, appreciation, understanding that I feel inside of me.
Is there someone out there who wants it?
And who can handle it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I knew the answers..I would tell you Nini !!!!!!!