Dec 4, 2005

The comedy of politics and the politics of comedy

There was a very interesting interview aired on BBC World radio - one of the most popular Italian comedians, Beppe Grillo, was interviewed about the state of the Italian Parliament. According to a page he published (with sponsorship from Italian citizens) on the International Herald Tribune, there are a large number of Italian politicians who sit in the parliament and have been convicted of crimes that don't even allow THEM to vote in public elections until 2009. And they are the ones MAKING the laws...

What is more appalling is that we have to wait for COMEDIANS to say this kind of stuff. In Italy we could never have programs like Jay Leno, Saturday Night Live, David Letterman... We had a number of comedians who tried to do their job - that is, criticize the government and the politicians through satire (Sabina Guzzanti, Daniele Luttazzi, just to name two). They got kicked out, they are persona non grata on TV. And this is because our Prime Minister does not like to be criticized, doesn't want people to THINK for themselves. Much better to find out which soccer player is dating which showgirl...

This interview is in English, check it out here.

And this is the page he published on the IHT:

If you want to check his blog, the Italian version is here and the version in English is here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ma allora sei tu la nicoletta da ros che ha lasciato un commento sul blog di grillo some time ago!!! oppure hai un'omonima anche nel blog di grillo...
Qualche mese fa mi hanno passato un disco con il suo spettacolo a Milano, e l'occasione è arrivata per vederlo dal vivo, una settimana fa, al palapanini di modena, che solo al pensiero mi faceva venire una faaaaaame, tutto un palazzo pieno di panini!
Gli regalerei trent'anni di vita in più a Beppe Grillo, se avessi il potere di farlo, è una delle pokissime voci che parla collegata al cervello, qui in Italia, e nessuno è disposto a farlo parlare, su nessuna rete tv.
Ma volendo, lo si trova, almeno su internet! W grillo