Jun 18, 2009


i always knew i was a night owl, that my brain works much better at night, in silence, away from the distraction of daylight life... it had been a long, long time since i last experienced the bliss of a) understanding, let alone b) agreeing with a scholarly piece of writing, and c) finding the inspiration to write scholarly pieces myself.

tonight, i can go to bed happy, having found:
a) an article i like, well-written, concise, to the point, clear;
b) a way to tie together my dissertation proposal;
c) an authoritative voice to help me in my battle against those who believe that translation is easy, unimportant, and unrelated to the field of comparative literature (more people than i thought, sadly...)
d) a nice incipit for the dissertation.
[and as a side note, e) produced a few pages to get the editor off my back for a couple more days]
oh joy... heh, it's a small thing, but i'll indulge in the happy moment :)

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