don't know how to react anymore, or what to say. asked to understand and accept something that is never explained. asked to keep doing something that is always turned down. asked to quit doing something only to be berated later for having stopped. offer unconditional friendship and love, only to be told there's nobody who cares.
a tiny vessel full of questions in a silent sea. must be a bad friend for being replaced so easily and quickly, for being second choice when not third or fourth. for being so easy to let down and leave aside without remorse or second thoughts.
i'll go back on the shelf now, gathering dust til next time you decide you need me.
you mom may have given you bad knees/ankles, but she sure gave you a heart and soul as big as the galaxy.
whoever "they" are, they sure don't know what they're missing out on.
good that leaves room for us hahaha guys prefer girls who use them and toss them to the goodygoodyes like u hahaha they want girls who dont give a shit about them instead of girls who care so they have to chase us to get what they want bcuz we are hotter hahaha good girls finish last hahaha
snap out of it sister, you're chasing a fool, theres tons of other guys out there that is just as smart, and way more sensitive than ____, just remember that if "love" causes this much pain without the equivalent reward, then it ain't the real thing in the first place
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