Dec 26, 2005

And so that was Christmas...

Christmas gifts received this year:

- a lot of time to rest, relax, and read
- a new friend here in town
- the trust of a friend who lent me his car for the holidays
- numerous phone calls with my mom (free, courtesy of Skype)
- dozens of emails/ecards with holiday wishes from friends all over the world
- the best lasagna I've had in months (courtesy of my Christmas day hostess)
- the graduation of a very good friend (in Italy)
- the company of people I enjoy being with

Who said that the best gifts are the most expensive ones?

If only people were able to see beyond material possessions, if they were able to recognize that the best gifts they can receive are their health and the love of their friends and family, the lines in the stores on the 26th of December wouldn't be that long; nobody would feel the need to return anything.

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